Course ID 16OO114
  • Applied Informatics
Number of classes 2+2
Semester 4
Status Optional
The objective of the course is to consolidate the existing students’ knowledge of Russian and to improve students’ speaking and writing skills for business oral and written communication in Russian with focus on style.
Upon completion of the course student will be able to:
• understand the details of a conversation, the facts and arguments in a presentation or a lecture (live, audio and video);
• actively participate in a conversation or speak about business topics;
• interpret and comment on various contents in the media, express attitudes and arguments;
• write a personal or business letter for various purposes, a report and an essay in which information from different sources, personal arguments and attitudes are presented;
• accurately and adequately use a number of words, expressions, idioms, common grammatical, spelling norms, and polite expressions in Russian;
• apply a broad repertoire of strategies (paraphrasing, efficient use of context, vocabulary, concluding, comparing).
Theoretical training
• Topics: Success, travel, welcoming guests, innovation, communication, conflicts, recruitment, types of advertisements, finance, sales dynamics, investments, new business;
• Grammar: Phonetics: pronunciation and intonation, morphology: active and passive constructions with verbs of simple and progressive verb aspect, expressing conditions, reflexive verbs, verbal adjectives, verb complements, numbers, expression of the quantities and comparisons, the expression of spatial relations, Lexicology of the previously mentioned topics.
Practical training
• Simulation of speech situations (arranging the terms of cooperation, traveling to Russia, welcoming partners, concluding a contract, communication problems in the company, attending a business seminar, recruiting, drafting a business plan, describing sales charts, drafting a letter of warning, invitation for cooperation) .
[lang id="skip"]Котоне, Л. В. (2014). Русский язык для делового общения (Б1), Учебное пособие. Санкт-Петербург: Златоуст.

Котоне, Л. В. (2014). Русский язык для делового общения (Б1), Рабочая тетрадь. Санкт-Петербург: Златоуст.

Милинковић, Љ. (1994). Пословна коресподенција на руском језику. Београд: Савремена администрација.

Маројевић, М. (2006). Руски пословни језик. Београд: Београдска пословна школа.

Ласкарева, Е. Р. (2008). Чистая грамматика. Санкт-Петербург: Златоуст.

Видео и аудио материјал који прате уџбеник и образовни материјал доступан на интернету.
Interactive teaching, individual, pair and group work.
Assessment (maximum number of points 100)
Exam Requirements 45 points Final exam 55 points
Attendance 5 Written exam 40
Ongoing assessment 30 Oral exam 15
Class participation 10