Course ID 17СА42
  • Finance and Banking
Number of classes 3+2
Semester 6
Status Core
The objective of the course is to acquire specific knowledge and skills characteristic of international banking and international payment operations, as well as develop students' abilities to acquire knowledge and skills in practice. The goal is that, after the completion of the learning process, students are able to define and describe the basic factors that generate the development of international banking as well as to recognize the differences between the basic categories and specific aspects of international banking. Also, the objective of the course is that after the completion of the learning process, students are able to define the basic characteristics of modern foreign exchange markets and, through examples, describe the application of the basic methods for managing foreign exchange risk and other forms of risk that banks operating in modern international markets are exposed to.
By mastering the learning process within the course International Banking, students will be able to:
• describe the role and importance of international banking in modern banking,
• define and describe the differences between specific types of international banking,
• define the basic types of risks that banks operating in international markets are exposed to,
• understand the basic principles of foreign exchange rate risk management,
• apply the basic models of the exchange rate risk management on concrete examples,
• define the basic characteristics of international payment transactions.
Theoretical training
• The basic categories of international banking.
• Factors of international banking development.
• Foreign currency, foreign exchange market and exchange rate risk management.
• Specific types of international banking (the Euro banking, offshore banking, Islamic banking, Swiss banking).
• Structure of international banking.
• Risks in international banking; international coordination of banking policies.
• International Payment Transactions.

Practical training:
• Case studies analyses.
• Creation and presentation of seminar papers in order to synthesize the acquired knowledge.
Saunders, A., & Cornett, M., M. (2011). Financial institutions management, a risk management approach. McGraw-Hill international edition.

Smith, R. C., Walter, I., & DeLong, G. (2012). Global Banking, Third Edition. Oxford: Oxford university press.

Вуњак, Н., & Ковачевић, Н. (2011). Банкарство, банкарски менаџмент. Суботица: Економски факултет Суботица, Интернационални универзитет Травник, „Пролетер“ ад Бечеј.

Комазец, С., & Ристић, Ж. (2010). Међународно банкарство и институционални инвеститори. Београд: Етно стил, Београд.

Миленковић, И. (2011). Међународно банкарство. Суботица: Економски факултет Суботица.
Lectures and practice classes, case studies, discussions, analysing real-life business-related problems, writing and class presentation of seminar papers.
Assessment (maximum number of points – 100)
Exam Requirements 55 points Final exam 45 points
Attendance 5 Written exam 45
Ongoing assessment 30 Oral exam  
Class participation 10  
Case  study 10    



Practice classes