Course ID 17СТ06
  • Finance and Banking
  • Trade and International Business
Number of classes 3+2
Semester 3
Status Core
Course objective is the acquisition of basic knowledge and skills typical of financial operations. Upon completion of the learning process, students should learn to differentiate and describe basic approaches to financial operations and apply the basic techniques of financial analysis. The goal is for students to learn how to define the basic rules of short-term and long-term financing as well aslevels of financial management. Aadditionally, students will be able to describe the basic criteria and the application of the basic methods used in capital budgeting, as well as to acquire functional knowledge related to the characteristics of the financial markets, with particular reference to defining and distinguishing the roles of central banks, merchant banks, institutional investors and other financial institutionsin the financial markets.
Upon completion of the learning process within the Introduction to Finance course, students will be able to:
• define basic methods and techniques of financial analysis;
• define and describe the basic rules of short-term and long-term financing;
• analyze the decision-making procedures regarding long-term investment projects;
• describe the basic principles of functioning of different types of financial markets;
• define the role of a central bank, commercial banks and other financial institutions in a particular financial market.
Theoretical training
• General approaches to financial operations;
• Financial analysis techniques;
• Funding rules and financial policy, short-term and long-term financing;
• Managerial levels and financial control;
• Capital budgeting and risk;
• Financial markets;
• Central Bank, commercial banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions;
• International movement of capital;
• Introduction to public finances.
Practical training
• Application of the learned techniques by estimating budget on concrete examples.
Brealy, R., Myers, S., & Marcus, A. (2007). Fundamentals of Corporate Finance. Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Красуља, Д., & Иванишевић, М. (2006). Пословне финансије. Београд: ЦИД Економског факултета у Београду.

Пауновић, С., Б. (2009). Финансијско пословање и тржиште капитала. Београд: Институт за економику пољопривреде.

Чланци у часописима, књигама и интернету.
Lectures, practice classes; real-life examples from professional practice, discussions, preparing and presenting and presentation of seminar papers.
Assessment (maximum number of points 100)
Exam Requirements 55 points Final exam 45 points
Attendance 5 Written exam 45
Ongoing assessment 30 Oral exam  
Class participation 10  
Practice:independent writing of seminar paper 10