Course ID ССА42
  • Management
Number of classes 3+3
Semester 1
Status Core
Course objectiveis mastering the theoretical and practical knowledge that will allow business students to make decisions that are important for certain areas of responsibility of managers of production, quality and line managers in entrepreneurial business.
Learning outcomes are based on the study of general knowledge that is important for the overall business of small and medium enterprises, but also on the acquisition of skills in the use of various methods, methods and tools for improving production and it implies the ability of the student to define the areas of production management and production strategy, to understand the relationship between design products and the production itself, and to be familiar with decision-making in the following areas of responsibility: quality, process design, capacity planning and termination, inventory management and work and human resources management.
Theoretical training
• Quality: operational quality management, control and quality improvement;
• Process design: process selection, service production process, technology selection, process flow analysis and spatial distribution of production assets;
• Capacity planning: forecasting of needs, aggregate planning, termination of production, project planning and business plan;
• Inventory management: independent demand, material needs planning, production at the right time;
• Work Management: manpower management, job design and workplace, measurement and improvement of work characteristics.
Practical training
• Сase studies.
Alistair B. J., Nigel S., (2008) Quan titative Analysis in Operations Management, Prentice Hall, Lonodn

Slack N., Chambers S., Johnson R.,, (2007) Operations management, Prentice Hall, Harlow, England

Поповић Б., Кларин М., Милетић Љ., (2005) Управљање производњом и услуживањем-монографија, Машински факултет Универзитета у Београду, Београд

Милетић Љ., Поповић Б., (2004) Примери решених задатака из Управљања технологијом – Operations management, Виша пословна школа, Нови Сад

Stevenson W. Ј., (2001) Operations Management, McGraw Hill

Студије случаја и чланци у часописима, књигама и на Интернету
Theoretical training accompanied with sloving practical tasks and case studies.
Assessment (maximum number of points 100)
Exam Requirements 70 points Final exam  30 points
Attendance 5 Written exam 30
Ongoing assessment 20 Oral exam  
Class participation 35  
Practice:individual case study making 10    

