The mission of the Centre for Career Development of Novi Sad School of Business is to provide continued support to their students in terms of career development, continuation of education and employment.


About the Centre

The Centre for Career Development of Novi Sad School of Business aims to connect students and economy easier and faster.

The main tasks of the Centre for Career Development are to:

  • Support the enrichment of the professional biography of students, i.e. inform about the possibilities for gaining work experience while studying through field practice, exchange programmes, volunteering, participation in projects or other activities,
  • Support lifelong learning (LLL) and professional development through formal and non-formal educational programmes designed to acquire knowledge and current skills applicable to the labour market by participating in courses, instruction, workshops, training and other forms of education,
  • Advise students on employment, career planning, writing a professional biography and preparation for an interview with an employer,
  • Cooperate with the Development Committee, employers and organise companies’ presentations,
  • Provide information services regarding scholarships and mobility programmes, competitions, vacancies, opportunities for practice in the country and abroad, etc.
  • Organise events – job fairs, guest lectures and other events that directly or indirectly influence the career development of students.


Activities and Services

Through the services and activities of the Centre for Career Development students will have the opportunity to:

  • understand what a career is and how it can be managed,
  • plan and develop their careers, but also change their career plans if required by the market and circumstances or if their affinities concerning their own careers change,
  • assess their characteristics, abilities, values and interests,
  • set professional goals,
  • prepare for a job search and actively search for a job (choosing a job that suits a  candidate, finding job vacancies, searching for a potential employer, applying for job advertisements, using different employment services, building a network of contacts),
  • present themselves to employers in the best light (through training for writing a professional biography, writing a covering letter, preparing for a job interview, alleviating anxiety, and practising interview performance, overcoming stress),
  • become, or remain successful at work (stand out from the competition and be better than the competition, improving communication with colleagues and superiors, alleviating anxiety and exercising performance, overcoming stress and coping well with daily pressures or work, finding work-life balance).



Centre for Career Development

Novi Sad School of Business

Vladimira Perića Valtera Street No. 4

21000 Novi Sad



Bojana Kovačević Berleković, PhD

Bojana Kovačević Berleković, PhD



Ana Jovičić Vuković, PhD

Ana Jovičić Vuković, PhD



Dragana Tomašević, MSc

Dragana Tomašević, MSc

Dragana Gašević, MSc

Dragana Gašević, MSc

Irina Kojčić, MSc

Đorđe Alavuk, MSc

Đorđe Alavuk, MSc