Course ID 17СТ15Р
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Tourism and Hospitality
  • Trade and International Business
Number of classes 2+2
Semester 6
Status Optional
The main objective of the course is to have students gain the ability to communicate verbally and express themselves in written form at the elementary level as well as to master the basic professional business terminology.
By mastering the content of the course the student will be able to:
• understand the essence and essential details of an articulate conversation and a brief monologue exposure in a private, business and public context,
• understand the general meaning and find the relevant information in the text about the usual, concrete topics,
• participate in a conversation or a short discussion on a variety of topics from everyday life,
• write simple texts about different aspects of his/her environment, personal letters and messages,
• use a number of frequency words, expressions and language structures,
• apply patterns of politeness.
Theoretical training
• Topics: Name and profession, introducing yourself, family, weather and climate, work day, city, shop, languages and countries, flat, plans, vacation, culture, city transport, travel, hotel, kitchen, restaurant, telephone, biography.
• Grammar: Phonetics: pronunciation and the intonation, Morphology: nouns (forms and noun changes), adjectives (types, changes and comparisons), pronouns, numbers, verbs (infinitive, verb aspect, conjugations, verbs of motion, imperative). The lexis of the above-mentioned subject matter.

Practical training
• Simulation of speech situations.
Чернышов, С. И. (2012). Поехали! Русский язык для взрослых (начальный курс). Санкт-Петербург: Златоуст.
Голубева, А. В., Задорина А. И., & Ганапольская, Е. В. (1998). Русский язык для гостиниц и ресторанов (начальный курс). Санкт-Петербург: Златоуст.
Ласкарева, Е. Р. (2008). Чистая грамматика. Санкт-Петербург: Златоуст.
Audio-visual materials are accompanied by the textbook and educational material available online.
Interactive teaching, independent and group work, pair-work.
Assessment (maximum number of points – 100)
Exam Requirements 45 points Final exam 55 points
Attendance 5 Written exam 40
Ongoing assessment 30 Oral exam 15
Class participation 10  
Case  study